TTE Europe
About TTE
TTE Europe, a subsidiary of TACTRON Elektronik GmbH & Co KG, a new Industry Leader for High Technology Test Systems in frequency ranges up to 110GHz. We are located in Graefelfing near Munich, Germany. Our expertise are State of the Art products for the microwave and millimeter wave industry.
TTE Europe is committed to provide the best RF products, systems and related services – Made in Germany!
TTE Europe, foundet in 2004 was becoming one of the most inovative providers of Microwave and RF products. Having a close look on the market TTE-Europe is making sure, that their products fulfill the customers actual and future technical requirements.
The focus of TTE Europe's product range is based on classical Microwave applications like P-t-P Radio, Radar systems, wireless phone and Test equipment.
With their strong technical background, the TTE-Europe Engineering is able to speak on the same technical level with customer for working out the best solution for their design problem.
TTE Europe's customer base consists of the European Key players, working in this field.
TTE Europe Technology is a European Independent Design House with a unique focus on high-speed-, high performance microelectronic -, micro-mechanical packaging and interconnection. We are specialized in all aspects of Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Design, with a core expertise on Miniaturization, High Frequency, High Performance and Signal Integrity, as well as on MEMS and Optoelectronic packaging design.
RF- and Microwave Components |
Coaxial DC to 110GHz | Waveguides DC to 500GHz | SMDs DC to 110 GHz | Chips / MMICs DC to 125 GHz |
- ASICs and Ics
- Up / Downconverters
- Frequency Standards
- Frequency Extenders
- Filters
- customized Modules
- Synthesizers
- Amplifiers
- Radar Evaluation Boards
- Radar Target Simulators (active/passive)
- System Development
- Satellite Hardware
- Quasi-Optical Network Analyzers
- Material
Measurement Technology
- Spectrum & Network Analyzing
- Frequency Extenders
- Handheld Synthesizers
- Power Sensors
- Test and Measurement Equipment
- Cable/Antenna Testers
- Power Monitoring
- Delay Lines / Bipolar Dielectric Ultra Low Loss Delay Line
- Radar Test System for Collision Avoidence Radar (Radar Target Simulators – active/passive)
- Radar Testsimulators
- Signal Logging and Analyzing
- Cellular Radio Jammers
- LNBs
- Block Converters
- 70/140 IF Converters
- Trasmitters/Receivers
- Oscillators
- Frequency Sources
- Redundant Switching Systems
- Amplifier Systems
- Low Noise Amplifiers
- Test Translators
- Amplitude / Slope Equalizers
- Power Supply Systems
- Waveguides
- Rotary Joints